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Applying Collision Detection
A bounding box is the smallest rectangle that will encompass all four corners of a game logic
object. We have created a function for this purpose:
function boundingBoxCollide ( object1 , object2 ) {
var left1 = object1 . x ;
var left2 = object2 . x ;
var right1 = object1 . x + object1 . width ;
var right2 = object2 . x + object2 . width ;
var top1 = object1 . y ;
var top2 = object2 . y ;
var bottom1 = object1 . y + object1 . height ;
var bottom2 = object2 . y + object2 . height ;
iif ( bottom1 < top2 ) return
return ( false
false );
iif ( top1 > bottom2 ) return
return ( false
false );
iif ( right1 < left2 ) return
return ( false
false );
iif ( left1 > right2 ) return
return ( false
false );
return ( true
true );
We can pass any two of our game objects into this function as long as each contains x , y ,
width ,and height attributes.Ifthetwoobjectsareoverlapping,thefunctionwillreturn true .
If not, it will return false .
The checkCollision() functionfor GeoBlasterBasic isquiteinvolved.Thefullcodelisting
isgivenin Example 8-12 . Ratherthanreprintithere,let'sexaminesomeofthebasicconcepts.
One thing you will notice is the use of “labels” next to the for loop constructs. Using labels,
such as in the following line, can help streamline collision detection:
rocks : for
for ( var
var rockCtr = rocksLength ; rockCtr >= 0 ; rockCtr -- ){
We will need to loop through each of the various object types that must be checked against
one another. But we do not want to check an object that was previously destroyed against
other objects. To ensure that we do the fewest amount of collision checks necessary, we have
implemented a routine that employs label and break statements.
Here is the logic behind the routine:
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