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Game Timer Loop
Games on HTML5 Canvas require the use of the repeated update/render loop to simulate an-
imation. We do this by using the setTimeout() JavaScript function, which will repeatedly
call a function of our choosing at millisecond intervals. Each second of game/animation time
is made up of 1,000 milliseconds. If we want our game to run at 30 update/render cycles per
second, we call this a 30 frames per second (FPS) rate. To run our interval at 30 FPS, we first
need to divide 1,000 by 30. The result is the number of milliseconds in each interval:
const FRAME_RATE = 30 ;
var intervalTime = 1000 / FRAME_RATE ;
gameLoop ()
function gameLoop () {
drawScreen ();
window . setTimeout ( gameLoop , intervalTime );
By calling the drawScreen() function repeatedly on each interval time-out, we can simulate
Sometimes we will refer to each of the frame intervals as a frame tick .
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