HTML and CSS Reference
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The best way to create an animation loop is by using the brand-new win-
dow.requestAnimationFrame() method.ThisnewmethodusesadeltatimertotellyourJavaScript
program exactly when the browser is ready to render a new frame of animation. The code looks like
window . requestAnimFrame = ( function
function (){
return window . requestAnimationFrame ||
window . webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||
window . mozRequestAnimationFrame
window . oRequestAnimationFrame
window . msRequestAnimationFrame
function ( callback ){
window . setTimeout ( callback , 1000 / 60 );
( function
function animloop (){
requestAnimFrame ( animloop );
render ();
( code originally developed by Paul Irish )
However,because this method ischanging andhasnotbeen implemented across all browsers,weare
going to use window.setTimeout() for applications in this topic.
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