HTML and CSS Reference
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After a successful call to getUserMedia() , we set the source of videoElement to the object
representedbythe userMedia argumentpassedautomaticallyto mediaSuccess() afterasuc-
cessful connection with getUserMedia() :
function mediaSuccess ( userMedia ) {
window . URL = window . URL || window . webkitURL || window . mozURL || window . msURL ;
videoElement . src = window . URL . createObjectURL ( userMedia );
In the canvasApp() function, we need to make sure that we call the play() function of the
video, or nothing will be displayed:
videoElement . play ();
Just like in Example 6 ( CH6EX6.html ), we need to call drawScreen() in a loop to display
new frames of the video. If we leave this out, the video will look like a static image:
function gameLoop () {
window . setTimeout ( gameLoop , 20 );
drawScreen ();
gameLoop ();
In the drawScreen() function, we call drawImage() to display the updated image data from
videoElement :
function drawScreen () {
context . drawImage ( videoElement , 10 , 10 );
webcam. We will accomplish this essentially the same way that we did it in Chapter 3 . First,
we create a button on the HTML page with the id of createImageData :
<canvas id= "canvasOne" width= "660" height= "500" >
Your browser does not support the HTML 5 Canvas.
<input type= "button" id= "createImageData" value= "Take Photo!" >
Then, in our JavaScript, we retrieve a reference to the button and add a click event handler:
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