HTML and CSS Reference
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var x ;
var y ;
iif ( event . pageX || event . pageY ) {
x = event . pageX ;
y = event . pageY ;
} else
else {
x = e . clientX + document . body . scrollLeft
+ document . documentElement . scrollLeft ;
y = e . clientY + document . body . scrollTop
+ document . documentElement . scrollTop ;
x -= theCanvas . offsetLeft ;
y -= theCanvas . offsetTop ;
mouseX = x ;
mouseY = y ;
//Hit Play
Next, we test for a hit test point inside each button by checking the bounds (right, left, top,
bottom) on the canvas to see whether the mouse pointer was over any of our buttons when it
was clicked. If so, we detect a hit.
x and y locations of the button ( playX and playY ) help us make this calculation. They also
help us because the names of the buttons self-document what we are trying to accomplish in
each test of this function.
If the play button has been clicked and the video paused property is true , we call the play()
function of the video to start playing:
//Hit Play
iif ( ( mouseY >= playY ) && ( mouseY <= playY + bH ) && ( mouseX >= playX ) &&
( mouseX <= playX + bW ) ) {
iif ( videoElement . paused ) {
videoElement . play ();
If the stop button was clicked, we set the paused property of the video to true and set the
currentTime property to 0 so that the video will return to the first frame:
//Hit Stop
iif ( ( mouseY >= stopY ) && ( mouseY <= stopY + bH ) && ( mouseX >= stopX ) &&
( mouseX <= stopX + bW ) ) {
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