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Debugging with console.log
There is one more thing to discuss before we explore bigger and better things beyond “Hello
World!” In this topic, we have implemented a very simple debugging methodology using the
console.log functionality of modern web browsers. This function lets you log text mes-
sages to the JavaScript console to help find problems (or opportunities!) with your code. Any
browser that has a JavaScript console (Chrome, Opera, Safari, Firefox with Firebug installed)
can make use of console.log . However, browsers without console.log support throw a
nasty error.
To handle this error, we use a wrapper around console.log that makes the call only if the
function is supported. The wrapper creates a class named Debugger and then creates a static
function named Debugger.log that can be called from anywhere in your code, like this:
Debugger . log ( "Drawing Canvas" );
Here is the code for the console.log() functionality:
var Debugger = function
function () { };
Debugger . log = function
function ( message ) {
try {
console . log ( message );
} catch
catch ( exception ) {
return ;
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