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Next, we create a rigid body definition object, setting the x and y position in the b2BodyDef
to the location of the mouse click, and we set the size of the ball radius to 7 pixels, which we
will use a few lines down:
var ballDef = new
new b2BodyDef ;
ballDef . type = b2Body . b2_dynamicBody ;
var ypos = mouseY / scaleFactor ;
var xpos = mouseX / scaleFactor ;
var size = 7 / scaleFactor ;
ballDef . position . Set ( xpos , ypos );
to.6(onlybecause itmakesthesimulation feelbetter whenrunning),andsettherestitution to
.2, which is more than both the boxes and the walls because we want to balls to bounce a bit
higher than the boxes when they hit another object:
var ballFixture = new
new b2FixtureDef ;
ballFixture . density = 30.0 ;
ballFixture . friction = 0.6 ;
ballFixture . restitution = . 2 ;
ballFixture . shape = new
new b2CircleShape ( size );
var newBall = world . CreateBody ( ballDef )
newBall . CreateFixture ( ballFixture );
Then, we set the linear velocity of the balls to positive 15 on the x axis, which will have them
start moving across the Canvas to the right when they are created:
var xVelocity = 15 ;
var yVelocity = 0 ;
newBall . SetLinearVelocity ( new
new b2Vec2 ( xVelocity , yVelocity ))
balls . push ( newBall );
Finally, we need to render the balls in drawScreen() . Except for the fact that we color the
balls red, the rendering we do here is essentially the same as we did in the bouncing balls
demo in CH5EX22 :
for ( i = 0 ; i < balls . length ; i ++ ) {
var position = balls [ i ]. GetPosition ();
var fixtureList = balls [ i ]. GetFixtureList ();
var shape = fixtureList . GetShape ();
context . fillStyle = "#FF0000" ;
context . beginPath ();
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