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Creating the Boxes
The world we are going to simulate is essentially the same as in the last example, with a pos-
itive y-axis gravitation force of 10 and a scaleFactor of 30.
var world = new
new b2World ( new
new b2Vec2 ( 0 , 10 ), true
true );
var scaleFactor = 30 ;
In this world, we will create a set of eight 25×25 pixel boxes that are piled on top of each
other, 100 pixels from the right side of the Canvas, and starting 100 pixels from the bottom so
that they will fall to the ground when the demo starts:
var numBoxes = 8 ;
var boxes = new
new Array ();
var boxHeight = 25 ;
var boxWidth = 25 ;
var startX = ( theCanvas . width - 100 );
var startY = ( theCanvas . height - boxHeight ) - 100
When we loop through, creating the boxes, we perform essentially the same operations as
when we create walls. We use the scaleFactor to convert to MTS units, but instead of de-
fining a b2_staticBody , we define the box as a b2_dynamicBody , which means it can move
and be affected by the physics-driven models in Box2D.
One other thing we do here is offset each box to the right by (i*2) pixels. We do this so that
unstable so that the boxes fall over when they hit the ground. We want to do this so that we
can illustrate rotating the boxes on the Canvas:
for ( var
var i = 0 ; i < numBoxes ; i ++ ) {
var boxDef = new
new b2BodyDef ;
boxDef . type = b2Body . b2_dynamicBody ;
var ypos = ( startY - ( i * boxHeight )) / scaleFactor ;
var xpos = ( startX + ( i * 2 )) / scaleFactor ;
boxDef . position . Set ( xpos , ypos );
var newBox = world . CreateBody ( boxDef )
var boxFixture = new
new b2FixtureDef ;
boxFixture . density = 10.0 ;
boxFixture . friction = 0.5 ;
boxFixture . restitution = 1 ;
boxFixture . shape = new
new b2PolygonShape ;
boxFixture . shape . SetAsBox (( boxWidth / scaleFactor ) / 2 , ( boxHeight / scaleFactor ) / 2 );
newBox . CreateFixture ( boxFixture );
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