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Translating to the Canvas
So far, we have looked only at Box2D output with b2DebigDraw . While this looks neat, it's
not really useful for Canvas applications. As we stated earlier, Box2D is just a “physics mod-
el.” It is your job to apply that model to the HTML5 Canvas. In this next example, we will
take the bouncing balls from the last example and show them running side-by-wide with the
Canvas. (See Figure 5-27 .)
Figure 5-27. Bouncing balls in Box2D on the Canvas and in b2DebugDraw
The first thing we need to do is to define a second Canvas in our HTML to show the b2De-
bugDraw output:
<canvas id= "canvasOne" width= "450" height= "350" >
Your browser does not support the HTML 5 Canvas.
<canvas id= "canvasTwo" width= "450" height= "350" >
Your browser does not support the HTML 5 Canvas.
to both in our JavaScript code:
var theCanvas = document . getElementById ( 'canvasOne' );
var context = theCanvas . getContext ( '2d' );
var theCanvasTwo = document . getElementById ( 'canvasTwo' );
var context2 = theCanvasTwo . getContext ( '2d' );
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