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ball . velocityx = ball . velocityx - ( ball . velocityx * friction );
ball . velocityy = ball . velocityy - ( ball . velocityy * friction );
ball . nextx = ( ball . x += ball . velocityx );
ball . nexty = ( ball . y += ball . velocityy );
You can see the full version of this code by executing CH5EX8.html from the code distribu-
tion, or by typing in Example 5-8 . You should notice that the smaller balls have less of an
effect on the larger balls when they collide, and vice versa. Also, the balls slow down as they
move, due to the applied friction.
Example 5-8. Balls with friction
<!doctype html>
<html lang= "en" >
<meta charset= "UTF-8" >
<title> CH5EX8: Balls With Friction </title>
< script src = "modernizr.js" >< /script>
< script type = "text/javascript" >
window . addEventListener ( 'load' , eventWindowLoaded , false
false );
function eventWindowLoaded () {
canvasApp ();
function canvasSupport () {
return Modernizr . canvas ;
function canvasApp () {
iif ( ! canvasSupport ()) {
return ;
function drawScreen () {
context . fillStyle = '#EEEEEE' ;
context . fillRect ( 0 , 0 , theCanvas . width , theCanvas . height );
context . strokeStyle = '#000000' ;
context . strokeRect ( 1 , 1 , theCanvas . width - 2 , theCanvas . height - 2 );
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