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ball2 . nextx = ( ball2 . nextx += ball2 . velocityx );
ball2 . nexty = ( ball2 . nexty += ball2 . velocityy );
If this is confusing to you, you are not alone. It took some serious effort for us to translate this code
from other sources into a working example on HTML5 Canvas. The code here is based on Flash Lite
Effort: Embedded Systems and Pervasive Computing Lab by Felipe Sampaio . It is also partly based
on Jobe Makar and Ben Winiarczyk's work in Macromedia Flash MX 2004 Game Design Demysti-
fied , and Keith Peters' topics on ActionScript animation.
Here is the full code listing for Example 5-7 .
Example 5-7. Balls with simple interactions
<!doctype html>
<html lang= "en" >
<meta charset= "UTF-8" >
<title> CH5EX7: Balls With Simple Interactions </title>
< script src = "modernizr.js" >< /script>
< script type = "text/javascript" >
window . addEventListener ( 'load' , eventWindowLoaded , false
false );
function eventWindowLoaded () {
canvasApp ();
function canvasSupport () {
return Modernizr . canvas ;
function canvasApp () {
iif ( ! canvasSupport ()) {
return ;
function drawScreen () {
context . fillStyle = '#EEEEEE' ;
context . fillRect ( 0 , 0 , theCanvas . width , theCanvas . height );
context . strokeStyle = '#000000' ;
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