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When you run CH5EX5.html in your web browser, you will notice that this little trick makes the ball
appear more “real” because your brain expects larger objects to move more slowly.
for ( var
var i = 0 ; i < numBalls ; i ++ ) {
tempRadius = Math . floor ( Math . random () * maxSize ) + minSize ;
tempX = tempRadius * 2 + ( Math . floor ( Math . random () * theCanvas . width )
- tempRadius * 2 );
tempY = tempRadius * 2 + ( Math . floor ( Math . random () * theCanvas . height )
- tempRadius * 2 );
tempSpeed = maxSpeed - tempRadius ;
tempAngle = Math . floor ( Math . random () * 360 );
tempRadians = tempAngle * Math . PI / 180 ;
tempXunits = Math . cos ( tempRadians ) * tempSpeed ;
tempYunits = Math . sin ( tempRadians ) * tempSpeed ;
tempBall = { x : tempX , y : tempY , radius : tempRadius , speed : tempSpeed ,
angle : tempAngle ,
xunits : tempXunits , yunits : tempYunits }
balls . push ( tempBall );
Now we need to draw the balls onto the canvas. Inside drawScreen() , the code to draw the
balls should look very familiar because it is essentially the same code we used for one ball in
Example 5-4 . We just need to loop through the balls array to render each ball object:
for ( var
var i = 0 ; i < balls . length ; i ++ ) {
ball = balls [ i ];
ball . x += ball . xunits ;
ball . y += ball . yunits ;
context . beginPath ();
context . arc ( ball . x , ball . y , ball . radius , 0 , Math . PI * 2 , true
true );
context . closePath ();
context . fill ();
iif ( ball . x > theCanvas . width || ball . x < 0 ) {
ball . angle = 180 - ball . angle ;
updateBall ( ball );
} else
else iif ( ball . y > theCanvas . height || ball . y < 0 ) {
ball . angle = 360 - ball . angle ;
updateBall ( ball );
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