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Radial Gradients and Text
A radial gradient is created much like a linear gradient, except that it represents a coneā€”not
a line. The cone is created by defining the center points and the radii of two different circles
when calling the createRadialGradient() function of the Canvas context:
var gradient = context . createRadialGradient ( [ x0 ] , [ y0 ] , [ radius0 ] , [ x1 ] , [ y1 ] ,
[ radius1 ] );
Let's say you want to create a radial gradient based on a cone. It starts with a circle that has
its center point at 100,100 and a radius of 20, and it ends at a circle with its center point at
200,100 and a radius of 5. The code would look like this:
var gradient = context . createRadialGradient ( 100 , 100 , 20 , 200 , 100 , 5 );
Adding color stops to a radial gradient works the same as with a linear gradient, except the
color moves along the cone instead of the line:
gradient . addColorStop ( 0 , "#000000" );
gradient . addColorStop (. 5 , "#FF0000" );
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