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Global Alpha and Text
Canvas. The globalAlpha property of the Canvas context is used for this purpose. After
globalAlpha is applied, it affects all drawing on the canvas, so you need to be careful when
setting it.
The valid values for context.globalAlpha are numbers between 0.0 (transparent) and 1.0
(opaque), and they act as a percentage for the alpha value. For example, a 50% alpha value
would be coded like this:
context . globalAlpha = 0.5 ;
A 100% alpha (no transparency) would be coded like this:
context . globalAlpha = 1.0 ;
in Text Arranger, the globalAlpha property requires us to think a bit more about when we
use it and how it will affect the rest of the canvas.
First, we create a variable named textAlpha in the canvasApp() function and initialize it
with 1 , which means the text will have no transparency when it is first displayed:
var textAlpha = 1 ;
Next, in the drawImage() function, we need to set the globalAlpha property twice—once
before we draw the background and the bounding box frame:
function drawScreen () {
context . globalAlpha = 1 ;
And then again to the value stored in textAlpha , just before rendering the text to the canvas:
context . globalAlpha = textAlpha ;
This will reset globalAlpha so that we can draw the background, but it will still allow us to
use a configurable alpha value for the displayed text.
We will use another HTML5 range control in our form, but this time we set the value range
with a min value of 0.0 and a max value of 1.0, stepping 0.01 every time the range is moved:
Alpha: <input
<input type= "range" id= "textAlpha"
min= "0.0"
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