HTML and CSS Reference
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We then add event listeners and event handler functions so that we can connect the user inter-
action with the HTML form elements to the canvas display. We register the event listeners in
the canvasApp() function:
formElement = document . getElementById ( "textBaseline" );
formElement . addEventListener ( 'change' , textBaselineChanged , false
false );
formElement = document . getElementById ( "textAlign" );
formElement . addEventListener ( 'change' , textAlignChanged , false
false );
Next, we need to create the event handler functions inside canvasApp() :
function textBaselineChanged ( e ) {
var target = e . target ;
textBaseline = target . value ;
drawScreen ();
function textAlignChanged ( e ) {
var target = e . target ;
textAlign = target . value ;
drawScreen ();
We then apply the new values in the drawScreen() function:
context . textBaseline = textBaseline ;
context . textAlign = textAlign ;
Finally, we change the code that centers the text horizontally on the screen. Because we used
the center alignment for context.textAlign , we no longer need to subtract half the width
of the text that we retrieved through context.measureText() like we did previously in Text
Arranger 1.0:
var metrics = context . measureText ( message );
var textWidth = metrics . width ;
var xPosition = ( theCanvas . width / 2 ) - ( textWidth / 2 );
Instead, we can simply use the center point of the canvas:
var xPosition = ( theCanvas . width / 2 );
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