HTML and CSS Reference
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When you pick a color with jsColor , it creates a text value that looks like “FF0000”, repres-
enting the color value chosen. However, we already know that we need to append the pound
(#) sign to the front of that value to work with HTML5 Canvas. The textFillColorChanged
event handler does this by appending “#” to the value of the textFillColor form control:
function textFillColorChanged ( e ) {
var target = e . target ;
textFillColor = "#" + target . value ;
drawScreen ();
And let's not forget the event listener that we must create so that we can direct and “change”
events from the textFillColor <input> element to the textFillColorChanged() event
formElement = document . getElementById ( "textFillColor" );
formElement . addEventListener ( 'change' , textFillColorChanged , false
false );
Finally, in the canvasApp() function, we need to create the textFillColor variable:
var textFillColor = "#ff0000" ;
We do this so that the variable can be updated by the aforementioned event handler and then
implemented when that event handler calls the drawScreen() function:
switch ( fillOrStroke ) {
case "fill" :
context . fillStyle = textFillColor ;
context . fillText ( message , xPosition , yPosition );
break ;
case "stroke" :
context . strokeStyle = textFillColor ;
context . strokeText ( message , xPosition , yPosition );
break ;
case "both" :
context . fillStyle = textFillColor ;
context . fillText ( message , xPosition , yPosition );
context . strokeStyle = "#000000" ;
context . strokeText ( message , xPosition , yPosition );
break ;
Notice that we needed to update the switch() statement created for Text Arranger version
1.0 so that it used textFillColor instead of hardcoded values. However, when both a stroke
and a fill are chosen, we still render the stroke as black (“#000000”). We could have added an
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