HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
<option value = "both" > both </option>
Inthe canvasApp() function,wewilldefineavariablenamed fillOrStroke thatwewilluse
to hold the value selected by the user on the HTML <form> . The default value will be fill ,
which means Text Arranger will always show fillText first:
var fillOrStroke = "fill" ;
We will also create the event listener for a change in the fillOrStroke form element:
formElement = document . getElementById ( "fillOrStroke" );
formElement . addEventListener ( 'change' , fillOrStrokeChanged , false
false );
And create the function fillOrStrokeChanged() to handle the event:
function fillOrStrokeChanged ( e ) {
var target = e . target ;
fillOrStroke = target . value ;
drawScreen ();
While we created a separate function for each event handler for the applications in this chapter, in
reality, many of them work in an identical way. However, some developers might be inclined to use
an eval() function,suchasthefollowing, astheireventhandlerforchanges madetotheHTMLele-
ment that controls Text Arranger:
var formElement = document . getElementById ( "textBox" );
formElement . addEventListener ( 'keyup' , function
function ( e ) {
false );
formElement = document . getElementById ( "fillOrStroke" );
formElement . addEventListener ( 'change' , function
applyChange ( 'message' , e ) }, false
function ( e ) {
applyChange ( 'fillOrStroke' , e ) }, false
false );
function applyChange ( variable , e ) {
eval ( variable + ' =' );
drawScreen ();
The preceding code uses eval() to create and execute JavaScript code on the fly. It dynamically cre-
ates the name of the HTML element so that the multiple event handler functions do not need to be
createdindividually.However,manydevelopersarewaryofusing eval() becauseitopensupsecur-
ity holes, and makes debugging code more difficult. Use at your own risk.
In the drawScreen() function, we test the fillOrStroke variable to see whether it contains
thevalue fill .Because wehavethreestates ( fill , stroke ,or both ),weusea switch state-
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