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Communicating Between HTML Forms and the Canvas
Back in our JavaScript code, we need to create an event handler for the keyup event of tex-
tBox . We do this by finding the form element by using the document.getElementById()
function of the DOM document object and storing it in the formElement variable. Then we
call the addEventListener() method of formElement , setting the event to keyup and the
event handler to the function textBoxChanged , which we have yet to define:
var formElement = document . getElementById ( "textBox" );
formElement . addEventListener ( 'keyup' , textBoxChanged , false
false );
The final piece of the puzzle is to define the textBoxChanged() event handler. This function
works like the event handlers we created in Chapter 1 . It is passed one parameter when it is
called, an event object that we universally name e because it's easy to remember.
The event objectcontainsapropertynamed target thatholdsareferencetotheHTMLform
element that created the change event. In turn, the target contains a property named value
that holdsthenewlychanged value oftheformelement that caused theevent tooccur(that is,
textBox ).Weretrievethisvalueandstoreitinthe message variablewecreatedinJavaScript.
Itistheverysame message variableweuseinsidethe drawScreen() methodtopaintthecan-
vas. Now, all we have to do is call drawScreen() , and the new value of message will appear
“automagically” on the canvas:
function textBoxChanged ( e ) {
var target = e . target ;
message = target . value ;
drawScreen ();
We just spent a lot of time describing how we will handle changes in HTML form controls
with event handlers in JavaScript and then display the results on an HTML5 Canvas. We will
repeat this type of code several more times while creating Text Arranger. However, we will
ture form data and use it with Canvas.
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