Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
only means that the Time Variant Solution Design is the singular focus
of this chapter.
oNe roW At A tIme
The question is so simple, the answer so obvious, that it seems a t rick
question. When a dimension table has five million rows, and you want to
join to one and only one of those five million rows, what is the fastest and
most eἀ cient way to retrieve that one and only one row? The answer is
simple. Give each of those five million rows a unique identifier. Each row
has one and only one unique identifier. Each unique identifier has one
and only one row. It is a one-to-one relation: one row equals one unique
identifier, and one unique identifier equals one row. A unique identifier
can never be associated with any other row, and a row can never be asso-
ciated with any other unique identifier. If a row ceases to exist, the unique
identifier ceases to exist. If a u nique identifier ceases to exist, the row
ceases to exist.
Now, given that construct in a d imension table that has five million
rows, and you want to join to one and only one of those five million rows,
what is the fastest and most eἀ cient way to retrieve that one and only
one row? The answer is simple. Include a WHERE clause statement that
says “WHERE unique_identifier = 1 2345.” Such a W HERE clause will
return one and only one row. No additional logic is required. No superset
is required. The RDBMS does not bring five million rows into memory.
Instead, the RDBMS brings only one row into memory. The goal has been
achieved and we can all congratulate ourselves and call it a day…almost.
We don't query a data warehouse one table at a time. No, we query mul-
tiple tables simultaneously. When a transaction table joins to a dimension
table that has five million rows, and you want to join each individual trans-
action row to one and only one of those five million dimension rows, what
is the fastest and most eἀ cient way to join the transaction and dimension
tables such that each row of the transaction table joins to one and only one
row of the dimension table? The answer is simple, and the same as before.
Give each of those five million dimension rows a unique identifier. Embed
that unique identifier in each row of the transaction table. Then, when
each row of the transaction table is joined to the dimension table, each
individual row of the transaction table will join with one and only one
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