Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
QUANTITY_RATIO is a n onadditive relative metric measurement of
the penetration of the CORR_QUANTITY_SUM value relative to the
DRIVER_QUANTITY_SUM value. This provides an indication of the
number of Correlation Objects that occurred in an Itemset within the
context of a Driver Object.
Although QUANTITY_RATIO is nonadditive, it can be recalculated
SUM calculation.
DollArs_r AtIo
DOLLARS_RATIO is a nonadditive relative metric measurement of
the penetration of the CORR_DOLLARS_SUM value relative to the
DRIVER_DOLLARS_SUM value. This provides an indication of the
monetary value of Correlation Objects that occurred in an Itemset within
the context of a Driver Object.
Although DOLLARS_RATIO is nonadditive, it can be recalculated by apply-
couNt_r AtIo
COUNT_RATIO is a n onadditive relative metric measurement of the
penetration of the CORR_COUNT_SUM value relative to the DRIVER_
COUNT_SUM value. This provides an indication of the occurrences of
Correlation Objects that occurred in an Itemset within the context of a
Driver Object.
Although COUNT_RATIO is nonadditive, it can be recalculated by apply-
ing the CORR_COUNT_SUM/DRIVER_COUNT_SUM calculation.
Additional Group by Data elements
In the SQL and data definitions provided above, the Itemset is identified by
the ITEMSET_KEY. Noticeably absent is any reference to normal operations
of a data warehouse, such as date, time, location, operator, agent, and so on.
These references can all be included in the Market Basket Analysis applica-
tion. The ITEMSET_KEY as used in the data in TableĀ 5.4 is without any such
references. The ITEMSET_KEY can, however, include any such references.
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