Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 3.21: Adding fallen timber to Mulligan's Flat Nature Reserve in Canberra. Dead eucalypts were
gathered from areas cleared for suburban development and then distributed throughout the reserve to create
habitat for animals such as reptiles and invertebrates. (Photo by Adrian Manning)
riparian areas have a particular propensity to become
weedy over time and weed control is important in
theseĀ areas. 9
Undertake regular pest
animal and weed control in
Plantings are significant environments on farms and they provide valuable habitat
for a wide range of species, although their importance has been best demonstrated
for birds. 1 Plantings should be considered as part of the portfolio of vegetation
assets on a farm because they support a different suite of species than other kinds
Box 3.8.
Fires and plantings
Some landowners are concerned that additional plantings on a farm will make their
property more fire-prone. Fire proneness and fire risk reduction are complex topics
that are beyond the scope of this topic. We note that plantings can significantly
reduce wind speeds on a farm, however, and in turn can reduce the speed at which
fires can burn through crops and paddocks. A key issue is that access points through
plantings may need to be planned in advance to ensure that a landowner has an
escape route to the leeward side of a planting in the unfortunate event of a wildfire.
During the Junee fires in 2006, firefighters found that dense linear tree plantings
along the perimeter of paddocks sometimes created barriers, cutting off escape
routes. This is easily overcome by leaving a few gaps in the plantings so firefighters
can simply cut the fence to escape the oncoming fire.
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