Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 3.14: Intersecting plantings. (Photo by David Lindenmayer)
with positive outcomes for native birds might be to establish linked sets of
intersecting strip plantings around paddock perimeters. 2
What should you plant?
Much has been written in the past about what should be
planted in revegetation programs. An increasing body of
scientific research is clearly showing that plantings are
best established with locally native species of trees and
shrubs rather than exotic species. There are several key reasons for this:
Plantings should always
be established with native
trees and shrubs
Native shrubs established within planted areas reduce the time needed for
some species of native birds to colonise these areas. 19
Plantings established with native plants are less likely to be used by exotic bird
species like the House Sparrow, Common Starling and European Blackbird.
Conversely, native bird species richness is lower in plantings with more exotic
species. 19
Plantings established with particular species of native trees like the Drooping
She-oak can provide valuable habitat for high-profile threatened vertebrates
like the Glossy Black Cockatoo.
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