Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 2.4: Animals tangled in barbed wire. (a) Fruit Bat. (Photo by David Lindenmayer). (b) Magpie. (Photo
by Rodney van der Ree). (c) Squirrel Glider. (Photo by Rodney van der Ree). (d) Tube-nosed Bat. (Photo by
Rodney van der Ree)
declining or threatened species, such as the Hooded Robin and the Jacky Winter.
Controlling firewood collection will benefit the numerous species of plants and
animals dependent on fallen timber. 22 Finally, bush-rock removal should be
prevented. By not removing bush-rocks, rocky areas can continue to have
significant positive effects on the diverse array of reptile species associated with the
ground layer (see Chapter 5). 6
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