Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
What makes a good rocky outcrop?
In a nutshell
A rocky outcrop that has high conservation value for wildlife will typically have
several or all of the following features:
be large in size - typically 1 hectare or bigger - although smaller outcrops still
provide habitat for rock-dwelling lizards and plants
contain boulders and rock formations with crevices, vertical flakes, ledges, rock
pools and caves
a diverse overstorey of eucalypts, wattles and Kurrajongs as well as smaller trees
such as Sandalwood and Quandong
overstorey vegetation that is not too dense, as this can prevent sunlight from
reaching the surface rocks, with negative effects on basking sites for reptiles
a ground cover dominated by native plants including native tussock grasses
appropriate fencing to exclude rabbits and livestock or control stock access and
limit the risk of overgrazing and displacement of surface rocks
be surrounded by remnant vegetation, tree plantings and native pasture rather
than embedded in a heavily cleared cropping landscape.
This chapter is about rocky outcrops, particularly small geological formations
found in grazing and cropping landscapes. Rocky outcrops can vary in size from a
few square metres to massive dome-shaped mountains covering many hundreds of
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