Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 4.18: Saltbush planting. (Photo by Mason Crane)
during dry periods. Overgrazing is most likely to occur during dry times (most
livestock preferring grass if it is available), and hence careful attention must be
given to stocking levels during drought. Reducing stock numbers, or using short-
term 'crash' grazing, is required to maintain the presence and health of these
shrubs during extended dry periods.
Much of the focus of conservation efforts on farms has been on patches of
remnant native vegetation. While this is vitally important, well-managed
paddocks also can be a significant part of conservation efforts, particularly if they
include one of more of the following features - scattered paddock trees, shrubs,
fallen timber, and native pastures. Management practices in paddocks that
promote the maintenance or recruitment of these features can include prevention
of firewood removal, the establishment of swards of native grasses and areas of
native pasture, the maintenance or planting of saltbush, and the maintenance of
scattered paddock trees, including the regeneration of new cohorts of trees to
replaces ones that are ageing and dying.
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