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learning can stimulate and enhance learners to apply their knowledge
to the real world [7]. However, there are still some unsolved issues, such
as a flexible learning issue (i.e., the learners' learning activities will be
limited in a specific and predefined learning environment). The learners
are not just passive when receiving the learning materials from teachers
but learn the concepts, knowledge, and skills via interacting with the real
world [23]. Brown believes concepts and knowledge are situation-based
[3], and learning is influenced by teaching activity, situations, and inter-
actions called situated learning, which leads the ubiquitous-pervasive
learning research [21].
There are four characteristics in a ubiquitous learning environment [11]:
(1) context-aware, the learners' profiles and the learning environment are
known; (2) personalization, the learning resources are provided according
to a learners' profiles and learning status; (3) seamless, learning activities
are not interrupted by place changes; and (4) calm, the learning materials are
delivered to learners without interruption.
In the framework, with positioning technologies, online learners' posi-
tions are identified, and the grouping agent will provide the location based
on grouping suggestion; the learning path planner will provide the learners
personalized learning routes; the location-based guide agent will lead the
learners from one learning spot to another; and the multi-agent architecture
offers the learners a calm environment. The teaching material delivery is not
included in the framework for now.
Java Agent Development Environment-Lightweight Extensible Agent
Platform (JADE-LEAP), was chosen to develop FIPA-compliant MAS mobile
devices because JADE has a run-time environment to support Connected
Limited Device Configuration (CLDC) and Connected Device Configuration
(CDC) specifications [12].
The Multi-Agent Architecture (MAA) allows great flexibility and scalabil-
ity in the integration of components. It provides a simple yet extensible and
powerful software layer to develop further pervasive learning environments,
while simultaneously running multiple stationary and mobile agents on a
Java enabled mobile device [1]. JADE-LEAP serves as the agent platform.
Ubiquitous learning can use a mobile device as the terminal to access digi-
tal contents via the cellular networks or other wireless communication. It
offers a dynamic, anywhere and anytime accessible learning environment.
In the cellular communication network, Location-Based Service (LBS) is one
of its essential components. The location of each mobile device relative to
the network is maintained by the LBS [15]. Mobile learning was born with
an exciting characteristic, location awareness while inheriting most of the
e-learning features. Integrating mobile device's location awareness provides
unique and powerful potential in the online learning environment.
In this framework, the grouping agent gathers individual mobile learners
based on their geographic locations and their learning behaviors. Therefore,
mobile learners can take advantage of collaboration learning in a conventional
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