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grass beds are arguably the dominant nearshore
carbonate factory throughout this vast temperate
water realm.
Finally, the mixed Mg-calcite and aragonite
mineralogy further refl ects the source partition-
ing; Mg calcite (corallines, bryozoans, benthic
foraminifera) comes largely from the grasses
whereas, although some aragonite is produced by
annelids, most of the aragonite comes from infau-
nal bivalves and gastropods.
Abundances of coralline algae >> bryozoans =
foraminifera >> than all other calcareous epi-
phytes. Non-geniculate (encrusting) corallines
are more common on seagrasses than geniculate
(erect articulated) forms.
Calculated values of epiphyte production
26 g m 2 yr 1 or 750 g kg 1 of sea-
grass per year. The range is 49-661 g m 2 yr 1 .
These amounts are similar to those produced
in tropical environments where values aver-
age 118-281 g m 2 yr 1 . Calculated accumula-
tion rates of calcareous epiphyte carbonate
is ~7.4 cm kyr 1 .
The composition of sediment produced by most
average 210
Accumulation rates
Seagrass epiphytes in temperate environments
produce, as in tropical settings, a considerable
amount of carbonate sediment. Accumulation rates
of that portion of the sediment produced in grass-
beds, as measured by sediment cores of Quaternary
sediment (Burne & Colwell, 1982; Gostin et al .,
1984), ranges between 20 and 270 cm kyr 1 or
overall between 10 and 100 cm kyr 1 (James,
1997). This sediment comes not only from the
epiphytes on the grass but also from the infaunal
and epifauanal biota. This study indicates that a
large proportion of the sediment comes from the
epiphytes (corallines, benthic foraminifera,
bryozoans) is mostly Mg calcite, with minor
aragonite produced by annelids.
This research was funded principally by the
Australian Research Council through a grant to YB
and AC and an Australian Postgraduate Research
Award to KMB as well as funds from a Natural
Sciences and Engineering Research Council
of Canada Discovery Grant to NPJ. Assistance
in identifying the epiphytes was provided by
M. Davies (ostracods), and Q. Li (benthic foramin-
ifera) and R. Schmidt (bryozoans). B. Jones and
D. Boscence kindly read and made helpful com-
ments on an early draft of this study while this
paper was improved by comments from J. Reijmer
and an anonymous reviewer.
The predominant control on the abundance of
calcareous epiphytes is seagrass biomass. Over
74% of the quadrats sampled during this study
had seagrass biomass values between 50 and
500 g m 2 . Seagrass biomass has a peak value at
24 m water depth.
Epiphytic carbonate abundance changes
signifi cantly with water depth, increasing from
0 to 10 m water depth and then decreasing as
depth increases.
Each of the 20 sites examined had different
Barnett, E.J., Harvey, N., Belperio, A.P. and Bourman, R.P.
(1997) Sea-level indicators from a Holocene, tide-
dominated coastal succession, Port Pirie, South
Australia. Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Aust , 121 , 125-135.
Betzler, C., Brachert, T.C. and Nebelsick, J. (1997) The
warm temperate carbonate province: a review of facies,
zonations and delineations. Courier Forschungsinstitut
Senckenberg , 201 , 83-99.
Bone, Y. and James, N.P. (1993) Bryozoans as carbonate
sediment producers on the cool-water Lacepede Shelf,
southern Australia. Sed. Geol, 86 , 247-271.
Borowitzka, M.A. and Lethbridge, R.C. (1989) Seagrass
epiphytes. In: Biology of Seagrasses: A Treatise on
the Biology of Seagrasses with Special Reference
to the Australasian Region (Eds R.C. Phillips and
C.P. McRoy). Amsterdam, Elsevier, pp. 458-499.
Borowitzka, M.A., Lethbridge, R.C. and Carlton, L. (1990)
Species richness, spatial distribution and coloniza-
tioin pattern of algal and invertebrate epiphytes on the
abundances of calcareous epiphytes, thus gen-
eralizations are dangerous and diffi cult.
Greater abundance of epiphytes is associated
with Amphibolis compared with Posidonia
because of the greater accumulation of cal-
careous epiphytes over time on the relatively
long-lived Amphibolis stems. Amphibolis is
more susceptible to epiphyte encrustation than
Posidonia .
Decline in carbonate production during
autumn-winter is attributed to simultaneous
decrease in seagrass biomass, hence recruit-
ment space.
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