Travel Reference
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A Quilombo Called Canudos
An African Kraal
els of the millenarian settlement of Canudos, his “mud-walled Troy.” It was the second-
largest city in Bahia, after the slave entrepôt of Salvador, but for him it had the appear-
ance “midway between a warriors' camp and an African kraal.” That was indeed more or
less what this backland city was. Canudos was located at a sharp jog of the Vasa Barris
River.Itwasunusuallywellwateredforthebacklands,akindofoasis.Itwasencircled in
a small mountain chain and, like many fugitive slave refuges, hard to get to, with ample
later to give its name to impoverished urban squatter settlements—favelas—throughout
Brazil. 1 BehinditwasthevillageknownasPoçodaCima(theuppersprings).Onewater-
shed over was the settlement known as Mucambo: the name for communities of fugitive
slaves. It seemed exquisitely geographically isolated: “the merciless climate, the period-
ic droughts, the rugged sterile soil of the barren mountain ranges lying isolated among
the araxas of the central plateaus . . . this unprepossessing region, . . . this was the last
refuge of the Tapuya.” 2 As isolated as this place appeared, it was connected to all the
was linked to the gold and gem states of Goiás and Minas Gerais through the great artery
of the Rio São Francisco. Canudos itself was at the center of a vast network of quilom-
bos , Indian settlements, mission centers ( aldeias ), and hamlets, the backland circuits of
market towns, trading posts, and pilgrimages. There were also routes of the great cattle
drives, the boiadas , that assembled the beeves from the infinity of the Sertão and drove
of landscape whose apparent stasis belied its deeper and unceasing movement, triggered
by climate, spiritual impulse, markets, water, culture wars, and flight.
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