Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
7. See Driver, Geography Militant ; Edney, Mapping an Empire .
8. Harley, “Maps, Knowledge and Power”; Harley and Woodward, History of Cartography ; Perkins,
“Cultures of Map Use.”
9. See, for example, Harley, “Historical Geography and the Cartographic Illusion”; Harley, “Reread-
ing the Maps of the Columbian Encounter.”
10. Harley, “Maps, Knowledge, and Power.”
11. Carter, Road to Botany Bay .
12. Safier, Measuring the New World .
13. Da Cunha, “Plano de uma cruzada,” 153.
14. Cortesão, História do Brasil nos velhos mapas .
15. Da Cunha discusses this in great deal in “Real and Mythical Geographies of the Purús” (see
chap. 20 ) .
16. See, for example, Davidson, “How the Brazilian West Was Won”; Farage, Muralhas dos sertões ;
Volpato, Conquista da terra .
17. Burnett, Masters of All They Surveyed ; Farage, Muralhas dos sertões ; Hemming, Roraima ;
Rivière, Absent-Minded Imperialism .
18. Peru did have a navy outpost in Iquitos, but it was poorly supplied and was highly dependent on
tax revenues from the latex trade.
19. Da Cunha letter to Firmo Dutra, Rio, September 30, 1906.
20. Varadouros reflected many indigenous practices and polities. Wallace describes some on the up-
per Rio Negro. Also see la Combe, von Hassel, and Pesche, El Istmo de Fitscarrald .
21. This is a fragment of a larger piece, “Transacreana,” in À margem da história .
22. This is not the case. Indigenous mapping exercises report extensive cuts between meanders.
23. Da Cunha, “Transacreana.”
24. Ibid.
25. See Heckenberger 2008.
26. For a history of the reserves, see Hecht and Cockburn, Fate of the Forest .
27. Da Cunha, “Entre os seringais.”
28. See Harley, “Deconstructing the Map.”
29. Da Cunha, “Entre os seringais.”
Chapter 20
*1. At least as expressed in the writings of Cristovão d'Acuña, his chronicler.
*2. A paraná is a side channel.
*3. Da Cunha is referring here to Peruvian geographer Mariano Paz-Soldan.
*4. This segment on the geology of the Upper Purús was meant for a specialist audience, so I have
not included much of this description.
*5. This blotching is in fact not caused by eating catfish but by a depigmenting skin fungus.
*6. These values in US dollars of the time would be about $4,675,367 and $8.2 million respectively,
significant sums at the time. The value of the 1867 US dollar in 2005 dollars is about $13.93.
*7. The Maynas were the region of the missionary system in the far Upper Amazon of Peru and
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