Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 10
1. See chapter 14 .
2. Huber, “Observações sobre as árvores de borracha”; Schultes, “Amazon Indian and Evolution in
Hevea and Related Genera.”
3. Huber, “Observações sobre as árvores de borracha.”
4. Weinstein, Amazon Rubber Boom .
5. Serier, Les barons du caoutchouc ; Domingues and Gomez, Economia extractiva en la Amazonia
colombiana .
6. Santos-Granero and Barclay, Selva central .
7. Gow, Of Mixed Blood ; Hill, Rethinking History and Myth ; Murphy, Rubber Trade and the Mun-
durucú Village .
8. Pineda Camacho, Holocausto en el Amazonas ; Taussig, Shamanism, Colonialism, and the Wild
Man ; Valcárcel, Proceso de Putumayo y sus secretos inauditos .
9. Casaverde, Viajeros al infierno verde.
10. Collier, The River That God Forgot ; Pineda Camacho, Holocausto en el Amazonas ; Rey de
Castro, Escándalos del Putumayo ; Santos-Granero and Barclay, Tamed Frontiers ; Taussig, Shaman-
ism, Colonialism, and the Wild Man ; Woodroffe, Upper Reaches of the Amazon .
11. Casement and Mitchell, Amazon Journal of Roger Casement .
12. Arana and Select Committee on Putumayo, Cuestiones del Putumayo ; Gómez, Lesmes, and
Rocha, Caucherías y conflicto colombo-peruano ; Lagos, Arana, rey del caucho ; Larrabure y Correa,
Perú y Colombia en el Putumayo ; Rey de Castro, Gray, and Chirif, Defensa de los caucheros .
13. Casement, Amazon Diaries.
14. Iribertegui, Amazonas, el hombre y el caucho ; Lagos, Arana, rey del caucho ; Linden, Por las
tierras del caucho ; Pennano A., Economía del caucho .
15. García Jordán, Cruz y arado, fusiles y discursos .
16. Da Cunha, Peru versus Bolívia .
17. Da Cunha, Cuestión de límites entre Bolivia y el Perú .
18. Moore, Brazil and Peru Boundary Question .
19. Treaty of Commerce Navigation and Limits, signed in Lima, 1852.
20. Moore, Brazil and Peru Boundary Question .
21. See Santos Graneros, Tamed Frontiers ; Pennano, Economía del caucho ; Casement, Amazon
Journals ; Gómez, Lesmes, and Rocha, Caucherías y conflicto colombo-peruano.
22. Loureiro, Gazeta do Purús ; Tocantins, Formação histórica do Acre .
23. Tocantins, Formação histórica do Acre.
24. Gow, “Canção Purús.”
25. Scharff has several cameo appearances in the tales of the rubber economy of the Madre de Dios.
See Huertas Castillo, Indigenous Peoples in Isolation ; Casaverde, Viajeros del infierno verde ; and of
course the Amazon writings of Euclides da Cunha.
26. Flores-Martin, Explotación de caucho en el Perú . Scharff was eventually killed when his native
workers rebelled against him.
27. Loureiro Gazeta do Purús
28. Da Cunha also describes the capture of natives. See chapter 21 , “Among the Caucheiros .”
29. Lange, In the Amazon Jungle .
30. Tocantins, Formação histórica do Acre .
31. Da Cunha to Domicio da Gama, November 16, 1907, Rio de Janeiro.
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