Travel Reference
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14. Tambs, “Rubber, Rebels and Rio Branco.”
15. Tocantins, Formação histórica do Acre .
16. See Cashman, America in the Gilded Age .
17. Espino, How Wall Street Created a Nation ; Lindsay-Poland, Emperors in the Jungle .
18. Bandeira, “O Barão de Rothschild.”
19. De Wiart, Leopold II .
20. Stols, Les belges au Mato Grosso .
21. Ascherson, King Incorporated ; Hochschild, King Leopold's Ghost .
22. Panama involved a commercial contract for construction; the country was later taken over by the
US government, which then more or less had sovereignty for a hundred years. See Collin, Theodore
Roosevelt's Caribbean ; Espino, How Wall Street Created a Nation ; Lindsay-Poland, Emperors in the
Jungle .
23. Costa du Rels, Félix Avelino Aramayo y su época .
24. Stols, “Investiments belges aux Brasil.”
25. Hentenryk, “Leopold II et la Acre.”
26. Bandeira, “Barão de Rothschild e a questão de Acre”; Tocantins, Formação histórica do Acre .
27. Hay to Bridgman, letter, cited in vol. 2 of Tocantins, Formação histórica do Acre .
28. Moore, Principles of American Diplomacy .
29. Rio Branco, communiqué to Olinto de Margalhães, June 12, 1902.
30. August Plane, L'Amazonie .
31. Bridgman. Documents pertaining to Bolivian Syndicate: The Acre Territory. Documents con-
cerning the Controversy between Brazil and Bolivia over a contract made with American Citizens.
32. De Assis-Brasil, “Report to Olinto Magalhães,” cited in Tocantins, Formação histórica do Acre .
33. Bryan to Hay, May 6, 1902, cited in Bradford Burns, Unwritten Alliance .
34. Tambs, “Rubber, Rebels and Rio Branco.” Also see Bueno, Política externa da Primeira
República ; Cervo and Bueno, História da política exterior ; Posada Carbó, Wars, Parties and National-
ism .
35. Cabral, Plácido de Castro ; de Castro, Estado independente do Acre .
36. Tocantins, Formação histórica do Acre .
37. Cabral, Plácido de Castro ; da Rocha, Acre ; Nobre, Epopéia acreana ; Ribeiro, Acre e os seus
heroes ; Ricardo, Brazil, and Bolivia, Tratado de Petrópolis .
38. Aguirre Achá, De los Andes al Amazonas ; de Castro, Estado independente do Acre ; Fernandez,
Campaña del Acre .
39. Moore, Brazil and Peru Boundary Question ; Moore, Principles of American Diplomacy .
40. See Bandeira, “Barão de Rothschild.”
41. This would be equivalent to almost 200 million pounds in today's currency, and a very large sum
at the time. The region was, however, generating hundreds of millions in annual revenue.
42. Ibid.; Ricardo, Brazil, and Bolivia, Tratado de Petrópolis ; Tambs, “Rubber, Rebels and Rio
Branco”; Tocantins, Formação histórica do Acre .
43. Fawcett's self-publicized exploits until his death in the “wilds of Mato Grosso” have been a dur-
able source of Amazonian best-sellers. The most recent entry into this pantheon is Grann, Lost City of
Z . A delightful antidote to this genre is Fleming, Amazon Adventure , whose “tutelary deity was Bur-
44. Farquar's fiscal disaster is discussed in detail in Hecht and Cockburn, Fate of the Forest .
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