Travel Reference
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69. Bénot, Guyane sous la Révolution Française ; Bruleaux et al., Deux siècles d'esclavage en
Guyane Française .
70. García and Camacho, Comunidades afrodescendientes ; Guedes, “L'insurrection negre de Coro”;
Perez, “Journey to Freedom.”
71. Bénot, Guyane sous la Révolution Française ; Anon., History of the Revolution of the 18th
Fructidor ; Coggiola, A Revolução Francesa e seu impacto na América Latina .
72. Adélaïde-Merlande, Caraïbe et la Guyane ; Bénot, Guyane sous la Révolution Française ; Larue,
Histoire du dix-huit Fructidor ; Michelot, Guillotine sèche .
73. Anon., History of the Revolution of the 18th Fructidor.
74. Redfield, Space in the Tropics .
75. Amis des Archives d'Outre-Mer, Terres de Bagne ; Redfield, Space in the Tropics .
76. Gomes, “Entre fronteiras e limites.”
77. Marin and Castro, Negros do Trombetas ; Coudreau, Voyage au Trombetas ; Funes, “Mocambos
do Trombetas”; Gomes, “Entre fronteiras e limites.”
78. Castro, Escravos e senhores de Bragança .
79. Bediaga, “Joining Pleasure and Work.”
80. Bénot, Guyane sous la Revolution Française ; Soublin, Cayenne 1809.
81. Reis and Gomes, “Repercussions of the Haitian Revolution in Brazil.”
82. For much more detail see Cleary, “Lost Altogether to the Civilised World”; Di Paolo,
Cabanagem ; Pinheiro, Visões da Cabanagem ; Salles, Memorial da Cabanagem ; Thorlby, Cabanagem
na fala do povo ; Harris, Rebellion in the Amazon.
83. The tension between local elites and sovereignty is discussed widely (although not for the
Amazon) in Adelman, Sovereignty and Revolution .
84. Gomes, Terras de Cabo Norte.
85. Wallace, Narrative of Travels .
86. Petot, L'or de Guyane ; Stroebel, Gens de l'or .
87. Price, “Liberdade, Fronteiras, e Deuses,” in da Cunha and Gomes, Quase-cidadão .
88. Stroebel, Gens de l'Or .
89. Mam Lam Fouck, Guyane Français .
90. Reis, Amazônia e a cobiça internacional .
91. Coudreau, France equinoxiale ; Coudreau, Français en Amazonie .
92. Thouar, Explorations dans l'Amérique du Sud .
93. Coudreau, Chez nos Indiens .
94. Coudreau, France equinoxiale.
95. Ibid.
96. Ibid.
97. Ibid.
98. Reis, Território do Amapá .
99. Coudreau, France equinoxiale .
100. Meira, Fronteiras sangrentas ; Reis, Território do Amapá .
101. Reis, Amazônia e a cobiça internacional .
102. Goeldi, “Excavações archeológicas em 1895.”
103. Cited in Reis, Território do Amapá.
104. Ibid.
105. Hentenryk, “Leopold II et la question de l'Acre.”
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