Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
31. Ibid.
32. Davidson, “How the Brazilian West Was Won.”
33. These regions were famously contested for centuries. See Benton, Law and Colonial Cultures ;
Besouchet, Rio-Branco e as relações entre o Brasil e a Républica Argentina ; Dominguez, Schmidel,
and Cabeza de Vaca, Conquest of the River Plate (1535-1555) ; Severo Zeballos, Diplomacia desar-
mada .
34. Burns, Unwritten Alliance .
35. These included Brazilian conflicts with Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, Guyana, French Guyana, Co-
lombia; Suriname with French Guyana, Venezuela with Colombia; Colombia with Ecuador and Peru;
Peru with Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia, Brazil.
36. Barboza, Cartografía política do Barão ; Burns, Unwritten Alliance ; de Abranches, Rio Branco e
a política exterior .
Chapter 7
1. Boomert, “Between the Mainland and the Islands”; Boomert, “Gifts of the Amazons”; Ferguson
and Whitehead, War in the Tribal Zone ; Whitehead, “Native Peoples Confront Colonial Regimes”;
Whitehead, “Recent Research.”
2. Boomert, “Arawak Indians”; Boomert, “Gifts of the Amazons”; Nimuendaju, In Search of a Lost
Amazon; Rostain, “Archaeology of the Guianas”; Whitehead, Lords of the Tiger Spirit.
3. Vidal, “Kuwe Duwakalumi”; also “Amerindian Cartography.”
4. Roosevelt, Mound Builders of the Amazon ; Schaan, “Recent Investigations on Culture, Marajó Is-
land, Brazil”; Meggers and Evans, Archaeological Investigations at the Mouth of the Amazon ;
McEwan, Unknown Amazon .
5. Whitehead, “Carib Ethnic Soldiering”; Whitehead, “Native Peoples Confront Colonial Regimes.”
6. The most famous “swamp rebels” were the Cottica rebels of the mangroves of Suriname who reg-
ularly threatened Paramaibo, its capital, in the 1760s. Also see Gomes, “Safe Haven,” and A hidra e os
pântanos .
7. Von Humboldt, Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions .
8. McNeill, Mosquito Empires .
9. Ferguson and Whitehead, War in the Tribal Zone ; Vidal, “Amerindian Cartography”; Whitehead,
“Carib Ethnic Soldiering”; Whitehead, “Native Peoples Confront Colonial Regimes.”
10. Galvin, Patterns of Pillage ; Lane, Pillaging the Empire ; Latimer, Buccaneers of the Caribbean ;
Rediker, Villains of All Nations .
11. Williams, Brazil and French Guiana.
12. Boxer, Dutch in Brazil ; Emmer, Dutch in the Atlantic Economy ; Maurits et al., Johan Maurits
Van Nassau-Siegen .
13. Tyacke, “English Charting of the River Amazon”; Reis, Território do Amapá .
14. Reis, Amapá: Perfil histórico ; Gomes and de Queiroz, “Between Frontiers and Limits.”
15. Freyre, Luso e o Tropico ; Schwartz and Langfur, “Taphuans, Negros da Terra and Curibocas”;
Cavasini et al.,“Duffy Blood Group Gene Polymorphisms”; McNeill, Mosquito Empires ; Mann, 1492 .
16. Costigan et al., Diálogos da conversão ; Monteiro, Negros da terra ; Schwartz and Langfur,
“Tapahuns, Negros da Terra and Curibocas.”
17. Figueroa and de Acuña, Informes de Jesuitas en el Amazonas ; Hoornaert and Comisión de Estu-
dios de História, História da Igreja na Amazônia .
18. Touchet, Botanique et colonisation en Guyane Française ; Spary, “Of Nutmegs and Botanists.”
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