Travel Reference
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86. Acevedo Marin and Castro, No caminho de Pedras de Abacatal ; Treccani, “Diferentes caminhos
para a resgate dos territórios quilombolas”; Treccani, Territórios quilombolas .
87. Della Cava points out the institutional differences and compromising positions that were taken
by Padre Cicero at Joazeiro to conform to regional oligarchies. Also see the transformation of backland
“saints' from radicalizing icons to expressions of “folklore.” Pessar, From Fanatics to Folk ; Pessar,
“Millenarian Movements in Rural Brazil.”
88. See Barreto, Última expedição a Canudos ; Galvão, No calor da hora ; and of course Os Sertões .
89. Letters to the Baron of Jeremoabo routinely complain about the “Judas Iscariots” in their midst
and the surprising identities of those Canudos sympathizers. Sampaio, Canudos: Cartas para o Barão .
90. Da Cunha, Rebellion in the Backlands , 148.
91. Price, Maroon Societies ; Stedman, Price, and Price, Narrative of a Five Years Expedition ;
Gomes, Hidra e os pântanos ; Gomes, “Safe Haven”; Karasch, “Quilombos do ouro na Capitania de
Goias,” in Reis and Gomes, eds., Liberdade por um fio .
Chapter 5
1. The lore of the time and the very humorous urubú songs were captured in collections by Bahian
folklorist and historian Calasans Brandão da Silva: Canudos na literatura de cordel and Quase bio-
grafias de jagunços .
2. The number of actual men involved in the attack is somewhat confused. Impressments were yield-
ing up young children, and most of the men were not trained or ready for combat. See Araripe, Ex-
pedições militares contra Canudos ; Galvão, No calor da hora ; Levine, Vale of Tears ; Macedo, Belo
Monte ; Neto, “Canudos na Boca do Povo”; Villela Júnior, Canudos .
3. Coordenação do Novo Movimento Histórico de Canudos, Noventa anos depois ; Galvão, No calor
da hora ; Néry and da Silva, Quarta expedição contra Canudos .
4. Da Cunha, Rebellion in the Backlands , 444.
5. Da Silva, “Jagunçinho de Euclides da Cunha,” cited in Ventura, Retrato interompida; da Cunha,
Rebellion in the Backlands , 407-8.
6. Da Cunha, Rebellion in the Backlands , 426.
7. Walnice Galvão's collection of newspaper articles that covered the fourth expedition is indispens-
able for contextualizing da Cunha's writings. See Galvão, No calor da hora .
8. Da Cunha, Rebellion in the Backlands , 464.
9. Ibid., 473.
10. Ibid., 464.
11. Ibid., 439.
12. Ibid., 444.
13. Ibid., 475.
14. Ibid., ∆∆∆??.
Chapter 6
*1. Offspring of natives and Portuguese.
*2. The audiencia of Charcas extended from southern Bolivia through Argentina.
1. The most important analyst of these forays remains Reis, Amazônia e a cobiça internacional and
Limites e demarcações na Amazônia Brasileira .
2. See for example Rio Branco, Questões de limites .
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