Travel Reference
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44. See Kraay and Whigham, I Die with My Country . See also Marques and Bethell, A Guerra do
Paraguai ; Whigham, The Paraguayan War .
45. Bastide and Fernandes, Brancos e negros em São Paulo ; Fernandes, A Integração do negro à so-
ciedade de classes ; Fernandes, Os Militares como categoria social .
46. Sarmiento and Ross, Facundo .
47. Marques and Bethell, A Guerra do Paraguai .
48. See Kraay and Whigham, I Die with My Country . and Leuchars, To the Bitter End .
49. Cerqueira, Reminiscências da Campanha do Paraguai .
50. Burton, Letters from the Battlefields of Paraguay .
51. dos Santos, Guerreiros e Jesuítas na Utopía do Prata ; Ganson, Guaraní under Spanish Rule ;
Kern, Missões: Uma utopia política .
52. See description in Leuchars, To the Bitter End .
53. Fragoso, História da Guerra entre a Tríplice Aliança e o Paraguai .
54. See Whigham, Paraguayan War ; Marques and Bethell, A Guerra do Paraguai .
55. Hemming, Red Gold .
56. See the debate in Latin American Research Review 34, no. 1 (1999): 174-86; Reber, “Demo-
graphics of Paraguay.”
57. Fragoso, História da Guerra entre a Tríplice Aliança e o Paraguai .
58. See Whigham and Potthast, “Paraguayan Rosetta Stone.”
59. See Beattie, Tribute of Blood ; also Kraay and Whigham, I Die with My Country .
60. Lemos, “Benjamin Constant,” in Kraay and Whigham, I Die with My Country .
61. Conrad, Struggle for the Abolition of the Brazilian Slave Trade ; Toplin, Abolition of Slavery in
Brazil ; Soares, O militarismo na República .
62. Beattie, Tribute of Blood .
63. Castro and Soares, Militares e política na Nova República , report that Spencer and Haeckel were
broadly studied in the military curricula of the 1880s and the influence of these thinkers was wide-
64. See Beattie, Kraay, Stepan, Hahner, among others, for a more detailed discussion of the internal
dynamics of the military units.
65. Amory, “Euclides da Cunha and Brazilian Positivism.”; Beattie, Tribute of Blood .
66. De Carvalho, A Formação das almas ; Romero, O evolucionismo e positivismo no Brasil .
67. See Amory, “Euclides da Cunha and Brazilian Positivism.” Also see Amory, Euclides da Cunha ;
Hale, Transformation of Liberalism ; Lemos, Benjamin Constant .
68. Hahner, Civilian-Military Relations in Brazil .
69. Da Cunha, “Em Tourno da Vida de Euclides da Cunha.”
70. Rondon and de Viveiros, Rondon conta sua vida .
71. Ventura, de Santana, and Carvalho, Retrato interrompido da vida de Euclides da Cunha .
72. Pontes, Vida dramática de Euclides da Cunha . Also Rabello, Euclides da Cunha .
73. Ventura, Santana, and Carvalho, Retrato interrompido da vida de Euclides da Cunha .
Chapter 3
1. Da Cunha, “Maréchal de Ferro,” in Obra completa .
2. Da Cunha, letter to Lucio de Mendonça, 1904.
3. Rabello, Euclides da Cunha .
4. Da Cunha, “Maréchal de Ferro.”
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