Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 1
*1. A sertanejo is a person from the Sertão, the backlands.
1. Positivist scholar, professor at the Praia Vermelho Military Academy, and framer of the new Re-
public's first constitution.
2. See Bartelt, Nation Gegen Hinterland . Galvão, No calor da hora.
3. De Queiroz, Messianismo e conflito social ; Diacon, “Bringing the Countryside Back In”; Diacon,
Millenarian Vision, Capitalist Reality ; Giumbelli, “Religion and Social (Dis)Order.”
4. Introduction to the 1905 edition of Os Sertões. Also Borges, “Puffy, Ugly, Slothful and Inert”;
Burns, “Destruction of a Folk Past.”
5. The best summary of this “Tropicalist” school of Brazilian literature is Ventura, EstiloTropical .
6. Needell, Tropical Belle Époque ; Aguiar and Leite, Civilização e exclusão ; Bello, Inteligência do
Brasil .
7. Da Cunha, “Plano de uma crusada.
8. Davis, Late Victorian Holocausts ; Quinn, Neal, and Demayolo, “El Niño Occurrences over the Past
4½ Centuries.”
9. In this regard see Markham, “ Fifty Years Work of the Royal Geographical Society” ; and Herdon
and Gibbon, Exploration of the Valley of the Amazon , among many others.
10. Conrad, “Geography and Some Explorers.”
11. Betts, “Scramble” for Africa ; Comaroff and Comaroff, Of Revelation and Revolution ; Gifford and
Louis, France and Britain in Africa ; Pakenham, Scramble for Africa ; Wesseling and Pomerans, Divide
and Rule .
12. da Rocha, O Acre ; Méndez and Tribunal Arbitral Boliviano-Brasileño, Defensa de los derechos de
Bolivia ; Ourique, O Amazonas e o Acre .
13. Burns, Unwritten Alliance ; Pontes, Euclides da Cunha .
14. Ferreira, A epopéia bandeirante ; Monteiro, Negros da terra ; Morse, Bandeirantes .
15. Da Cunha will describe Urbano, who appears as guide and muse in the travels of Agassiz and
Agassiz: Journey in Brazil ; in Chandless, “Ascent of the River Purus”; and in James, Brazil through the
Eyes of William James . Da Cunha also describes the Manaus administrator Silva Coutinho: Daniel, Te-
souro descoberto no máximo Rio Amazonas ; Rodrigues da Cunha, O naturalista Alexandre Rodrigues
Ferreira .
16. Da Cunha, letter to Veríssimo, January 12, 1905.
17. Seed, American Pentimento ; Seed, Ceremonies of Possession . Also see Pratt, Imperial Eyes .
18. See Weinstein, Amazon Rubber Boom ; Pearson, Rubber Country of the Amazon ; Woodroffe, Up-
per Reaches of the Amazon .
19. See da Cunha, “Land without History,” chap. 13 below.
20. Burnett, Masters of All They Surveyed ; Rivière, Absent-Minded Imperialism .
21. Da Cunha, “Impressions Completely New to Me,” chap. 12 below, p. ∆∆∆.
22. Da Cunha to Veríssimo, March 18, 1905, Manaus.
23. Some of the Amazon essays in À margem have been recently translated by Ronald Sousa under
the title The Amazon: Land without History .
24. See chapter 13 below.
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