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Believe me when I say that there is no other way out. I ask you help. Saninha has changed a lot,
she's suffered a great deal and has come through bitter disappointments. She has for you only her
highest esteem and is almost like a daughter to you, and except for some defects of character which
have really diminished, she really is worthy of your regard for her honesty and heart . . . 34
Despite his praise for her, the acrimony among Ana, her mother, and her siblings exten-
ded to da Cunha as well. It was probably with a certain amount of relief that he boarded
the ship Alagoas on December 13, even though it might mean weeks of unremitting sea-
in the very foundations of Iberian polities in the New World. Many other justifications
might be invoked in South American conflicts, but one sure element would be border
disputes.TheBaronhadplaced daCunhaattheheadofanimportant boundarycommis-
last, supremely necessary, demarcation for completing Brazil's territorial trajectory. The
urgency of the situation was extreme, and someone of lofty sentiments like da Cunha
was especially useful for putting a high-minded gloss on the pursuit of the lands of the
“tantalizing latex” Hevea brasilienses .
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