Agriculture Reference
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( HAM )
A Petunia mutation that has a similar mutant phenotype to wus . HAM
encodes a GRAS -like transcription factor that is predominantly expressed
in the L3 layer of lateral organs and in the provascular tissue of the stem.
HAM therefore promotes a non-cell autonomous signal that keeps
meristem cells in an undifferentiated state. Absence of this signal prevents
meristem cells from responding to WUS or STM expression (Stuurman
et al. , 2002)
Mutations in these two loci cause a reduction in the number of leaves and
floral organs and an enlargement of the meristem. Within the meristem,
the organisation of the layers is disrupted. Following the transition to
flowering mgo meristems often fasciate, although the structure of these
apices are different to the fasciated clv meristems, in that there appears to
be many individual meristems grouped together within the large dome.
The enlarged meristem may be a secondary affect arising from the
reduction in organ primordia formation and the consequential increase in
cells within the peripheral zone. The MGO s are therefore likely to
function primarily in the peripheral zone where they promote organ
formation (Laufs et al. , 1998a).
( ZWL )
PNH is required for efficient SAM formation during embryogenesis and for
its maintenance post-embryonically. Termination of the SAM is often
associated with the formation of central radialised organ. pnh mutant also
has fewer axillary meristems (McConnell & Barton, 1995). PNH belongs
to a family of proteins that include the translation factor eIF2C and
ARGONAUTE, and is expressed in the vasculature, the adaxial domain of
organs and the throughout the SAM (Moussian et al. , 1998; Lynn et al. ,
1999). One function of PNH is to maintain STM expression in the SAM.
( SWP )
The swp mutant has fewer cells in all aerial organs and a SAM that gradually
becomes disorganised. SWP is similar to proteins found in the Mediator
complex and therefore may function in the recruitment of RNA
polymerase II to promoters (Autran et al. , 2002). The SAMs of swp
mutants are frequently fasciated, a feature that is correlated with ectopic
WUS expression. Interestingly, STM expression is also patchy within these
meristems (Autran et al. , 2002).
( WIG )/ ERA1
wig / era1 mutants are pleiotropic, displaying alterations in seed germination,
flowering time, senescence, internode elongation, phyllotaxis as well as
having meristem defects similar to the clv mutants (Running et al. , 1998;
Yalovsky et al. , 2000). WIG / ERA1 encodes an FTase b -subunit which is
involved in farnesylation, a process that increases the hydrophobicity of
target proteins, facilitating either membrane attachment or protein-protein
interactions (Cutler et al. , 1996; Ziegelhoffer et al. , 2000).
( ULT )
The inflorescence meristem of the utl mutant is larger than normal, and
produces more floral meristems. ult flowers have an increased number of
organs as well as more whorls of organs, indicating that the floral
meristems are also bigger than normal. One function of ULT is to restrict
CLV1 expression to the central zone, as loss of ULT activity results in
lateral expansion of CLV1 .However, genetic analysis indicates that ULT
has functions independent of CLV1 . Thus the lateral expansion of CLV1 in
the ult mutant may simply reflect an increased proliferation of L3 cells.
The precise function of ULT will become apparent only when the gene
has been identified (Fletcher, 2001).
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