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dividend have been the main criteria in selecting the BE, in addition to the neces-
sary use of Service Oriented Infrastructure technologies including Grid and Cloud
2.2.2 Business Models
The business models explored in these pilot projects have been categorized based
on criteria that take into account their value propositions, their technological
and economic incentives and emerging trends in the market of Grid and Cloud
The first category focuses on achieving optimized and flexible processes and
lower costs by improving resource utilization. At the core of this category are inno-
vations facilitating:
• better utilization of compute power and data storage,
• on-demand provision of additional compute power and storage in order to
respond to peaks in consumption, and
• aggregation of heterogeneous data sources in virtual data-stores.
The second category focuses on collaboration and resource sharing. At the core of
this category are innovations improving:
• the agility of businesses and their ability to respond to business opportunity by
enabling the swift establishment of multi-enterprise collaborations,
• the execution of collaborative processes spanning across-enterprise boundaries,
• provision of, and access to, shared network-hosted (“cloud”) services that facili-
tate collaboration, and
• seamless access to heterogeneous geographically distributed data sources.
The third family of categories is focused on new service paradigms centered on
“pay-as-you-go” (PAYG) and new paradigms of ICT services (*-aaS) including
Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Infrastructure as a
Service (IaaS).
2.2.3 Research and Technological Innovation Themes
The technological advancements and innovations inspired or validated by the BEs
have been categorized in thematic areas . These are areas where we witnessed either
significant challenges that inhibit widespread commercialization of Grid Computing
or where the anticipated impact of the innovation (i.e. the “innovation dividend”) is
particularly high.
Virtual Organization Management capabilities help businesses establish secure,
accountable and efficient collaborations sharing services, resources and infor-
Trust & Security capabilities address areas where a perceived or actual lack
of security appears to inhabit commercial adoption of Grid Computing and
SOI. These include solutions for brokering identities and entitlements across
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