Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
However, the examples described throughout the topic (see Part III of the topic)
also illustrate that Grids and Clouds, by their very nature, are based on complex
technologies and result in substantial changes across organizations. Thus, the
introduction of Grid and Cloud Computing in companies is a complex and diffi-
cult endeavour. Besides mastering the technical complexity, companies also have
to consider cultural, legal, IT policy, and regulatory obstacles that often prove even
more difficult to overcome. While there are plenty of market study reports describing
the market potential and opportunities of Grid and Cloud Computing, there is less
literature on problems facing companies while dealing with these technologies as
well as on guidelines how to effectively overcome them.
Based on the experiences from the BEinGRID project (see also chapter 13) and
a summary from literature, this chapter provides guidelines for efficient implemen-
tation of Grids and Clouds in companies. Given the overall target of this topic, the
proposed guidelines focus rather on organizational, human and project management
aspects than on technical aspects of a potential Grid and Cloud Computing applica-
tion in organizations.
In the next section first, a state-of-the-art overview of Grid and Cloud Computing
adoption in companies is given. Then, in section 14.3 practical guidelines for Grid
and Cloud implementation are proposed. Each major step proposed in the imple-
mentation guidelines is then explained in more detail in the subsequent sections.
14.2 State-of-the-art of Grid and Cloud Computing Adoption in Practice
Before describing the practical guidelines for evolving IT infrastructures towards
Grid and Cloud Computing, the goal of this section is to provide an overview of
the state-of-the-art of their adoption in companies. In particular, an indication is
provided how companies consider Grid and Cloud Technologies in practice, how
these technologies are applied and what major problems and obstacles the compa-
nies have been confronted with, while adopting them. The summary of findings
resulting from a literature review should provide a broader picture and enhance
results already presented in chapter 13.
14.2.1 Status and Adoption of Grid Computing in Practice
While there is no lack of market studies about the potential of Grid Computing, the
availability of empirical data on the actual use and current status of the adoption of
the technology is rather limited.
This section summarizes the key findings of a recent and comprehensive study on
the adoption of Grid technology in German companies published by Messerschmidt
(2009). The study by Messerschmidt (2009) was based on a survey conducted in
Mai and June 2008. Thereby, the main focus was on the financial industry and the
results from the survey stemming from the financial industry were explicitly empha-
sized in the report and compared to the results related to other industries.
The survey only included participants who work for a company of at least
50 employees and who hold at least the position of a team leader. In addition, survey
participants were required to meet one of the following two criteria: a) be entitled
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