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et al. 2009b). A supply chain in AgroGrid is represented by a Virtual Organisation
formed by those parties, who participate in one or more of the supply chain steps of
a particular product or food trade unit. AgroGrid allows continuous monitoring and
quality evaluation in order to ensure the safety of food delivered across all supply
chains, based on distributed tracking and tracing capability of the GTNet® platform
and the SLA-Monitoring & Evaluation component. As a result of continuous moni-
toring and evaluation through SLAs, the SLA-Monitoring & Evaluation component
generates SLA evaluation reports, which reflects any occurred violation of negoti-
ated SLAs.
Fig. 11.2: AgroGrid - Platform
The solution provided by AgroGrid consists of the following components
(see fig. 11.2): the Portal , the VO-Management , the SLA-Negotiator , the
SLA-Monitoring&Evaluator and the Track&Trace component.
The Portal offers AgroGrid users a common, personalized, web-browser based,
user-friendly, and secure interface to AgroGrid services. The authentication and
authorisation mechanisms of the portal secure and personalise the web based access
of the AgroGrid users. The portlets hosted on the portal of the AgroGrid provider
form a graphical user interface to AgroGrid services and functionalities, allowing
registering and discovering capacities, negotiating SLAs, building/managing supply
chains, and accessing SLA evaluation reports.
The SLA-Negotiator component allows negotiation of SLAs between a capacity
requester and a capacity provider. The negotiation of SLAs includes the negotiation
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