Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
8 Common Capabilities for Service Oriented
Infrastructures - Grid and Cloud Computing
Theo Dimitrakos
8.1 Introduction
The mission of the BEinGRID project was to generate knowledge, technological
improvements, business demonstrators and reference case studies to help compa-
nies and other organizations to establish effective routes to foster the adoption of
Grid and Cloud Computing, which are often summarized under the term Service
Oriented Infrastructures (SOI) 1 , and to stimulate research to help realize innovative
business models using these technologies (for more details about the BEinGRID
project see chapter 2). In terms of technology innovation, the BEinGRID team
has analysed and classified the technical issues involved and the generic solutions
developed by and for the Business Experiments (BE).
The technological advancements and innovations considered in the BEinGRID
project have been categorized in thematic areas that were witnessed by BEs either
significant challenges that inhibit widespread commercialization and adoption of
the technology or where the anticipated impact of the innovation is particularly
high. The technological innovation results were provided in different output formats:
common technical requirements, common capabilities, design patterns, reference
implementations, integration and validation scenarios as well as best practice guide-
This chapter presents the main common capabilities that capture the generic
functionality that would need to be in place in order to address the identified tech-
nical and business requirements identified by the BEs. The required common capa-
bilities have been categorized in the following thematic areas:
• Capabilities for Life-cycle management of Virtual Organizations help businesses
establish secure, accountable and efficient collaborations sharing services,
resources and information. These include innovations that enable the secure
federation of autonomous administrative domains, and the composition of
services hosted by different enterprises or in-cloud platforms.
Trust & Security capabilities address areas where a perceived or actual lack of
security appears to inhabit commercial adoption of SOI. These include solutions
for brokering identities and entitlements across enterprises, managing access
to shared resources, analyzing and reacting to security events in a distributed
infrastructure, securing multi-tenancy hosting, and securing the management of
1 In this chapter, the term Service Oriented Infrastructures (SOI) is used as a summarizing term for
Grid and Cloud Computing.
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