Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Network indicators
Dissemination :
and clear
processes to
scienti fi c
information into
Canvassing by means of submission of
proposals to DGA to allow greater
exploitation of the aquifer; relationship
between academic institutions (both major
universities and research bodies) is heavily
financed by the strongest economic actors;
regional and national government agencies
rely on technical studies, data and research
from major universities and private
consultancies (e.g. CEASA water quality
Convention was signed between the owners of the installa-
tions, a state university and the Valais for provision of
meteorological and climate data for crisis management as
part of MINERVE (including informing the public);
hydrological data for water course management deemed
behind other hazards (e.g. avalanche, rock falls etc.);
collaborative research between hydrological institutes and
hydropower companies to generate short to medium term
precipitation prognosis/forecast.
Exchange &
Support :
Informal or
networks to
share and
exchange best
lessons learnt,
and technical
DOH, CODELCO, CRA, CNR constitute the
executive Mesa Tecnica de Agua in
Aconcagua, which works with different
actors such as regional DGA, MMA,
ESVAL, and other State institutions to
resolve issues relating to the Aconcagua
Project; International experts (EU, World
Bank; UN-ECLAC) consulted with and
employed by government ministries
(MMA, DGA); Influence of foreign
scholars (Milton Freedman and the
Chicago School a ) infamous in development
of 1980 Constitution; Access to consul-
tants for irrigation projects can be limited
for poorer farmers (for CNR proposals);
CORFO (corporation of promotion)
organises international expeditions to
enhance technical capacity of producers
(agriculture, industrial etc.).
Research partnerships between private companies (hydro-
power, manufacturing firms) and academia (Technical
Institutions, e.g. Luzern, EPFL, WSL, EAWAG) to
improve management of surface flows; MINERVE not yet
formalised, and paper-based; TRC relies on partnerships
with academia for climate change projections;
Collaborative sectoral associations (Association of Valais
Water Distributers; SDOC/SDRC; Societe Suisse de
l'industrie du gaz et d'eau, Swiss Mountain Water ); WA21
provides an inter-sectoral national level platform for
knowledge sharing and dissemination on IWRM across
Switzerland; Federal offices are tasked with support and
information provision to lower administrative levels;
collaborative research projects aim to inform (but not
prescribe) decision making (ACQWA; Interegg 3).
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