Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Table 12.3 (continued )
Case example
Network indicators
e.g. self-organisation
versus legal frame-
works that require
DGA on compensation and liability, while CNR
is guided by Law 18.450 for promotions and
financial support of irrigation and efficiency.
water optimisation between hydropower operators
(that are reliant on same resource); increasing
levels of collaboration between communes (e.g.
joint planning and training); sector, regional
and local focus to partnerships and platforms
for cooperation and joint learning.
Incentivisation :
Mechanisms to
incentivise cooperation
amongst water
stakeholders within a
basin (co-ordinating
institutions, common
Bi-lateral agreements between different sets of
rights holders; increasing cooperation
between mining sector and farmers (e.g. 10
million peso donation from Mina Andina to
JdV, administered by the CNR as the
executive and technical body for utilisation of
the funds); private financing through water
rights owners for maintenance and upkeep of
distribution system - users pay for the
operation and maintenance of infrastructure,
while the state bears cost of the capital
investment (Water Law 1981/1123);
Government is liable to pay compensation for
affectation to 3rd party rights from DGA
drought management decisions (i.e. if new
wells affect the rights of other owners), and
compensate for the costs of extra infrastruc-
ture required for water supply.
NFA provides subsidies for increased participation
in the implementation of water management
projects (including meeting ecological criteria);
reliance on financial and technical capacity at
federal and canton levels provides for higher
levels of cooperation at commune levels (where
autonomy and sovereignty is strong); rivalries
persist between different communes and the
cantons on decision making on watercourse
management - but attempts to reconcile them
through participative consultation in TRC and
final technical implementation signed off by
Valais (and Vaud) Council; participative project
planning/approval process is resource and time
intensive, but aims to foster consensus and
cohesion (Hydropower, TRC etc).
Government Subsidies and
fi nancing mechanisms
inform how higher
levels of government
interact with and
enforce actions at lower
levels. Methods of
inducing conformity to
national, regional or
basin priorities: federal/
national subsidies,
fi nancial support,
incentives etc.
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