Environmental Engineering Reference
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Institution/governance mechanism/adaptive action
Commision Nacional del Riego (National
Commission for Irrigation) - Law on Promoting
Irrigation Efficiency (Ley 14.450)
Law 14.450 had focussed mainly on increasing agricultural
output, but ended in 2010. It was renewed with an updated
focus, in that farmers must now focus on water efficiency
in their new projects. Within the submission criteria for
projects, different points are allocated for different criteria,
water efficiency being one of them. Promoting efficiency is
one of the main lines of intervention with farmers for the
Law 14.450 had provided financing and subsidies
to farmers to improve irrigation efficiency.
The CNR was responsible for implementation
of the law, and managing the legal instruments
that funded projects aimed at increasing
agricultural output as well as efficiency.
Direcion General de Aguas/General Directorate of
Major focus at the moment is to improve the transparency,
availability and quality of the water rights information
system (Cadaster de Agua Publica).
The DGA is responsible for the allocation of water,
the monitoring of water quantity in surface and
groundwater, and the maintaining of sustainable
levels of abstraction according to a set of
internal directives.
Direcion de Obras Hidrologicas/Ministerio de
Obras Publicas
The General Directorate of Public Works and
Directorate of Hydraulic Works coordinate
plans and proposals on water infrastructural
works that aim to increase efficiency and
improve irrigation security in response to
increasing water losses and drought events.
Los Aromos Dam is situated in Section 3 of the basin at
Limache, with a volume of 35 million m 3 . As the
government body responsible for the construction of major
water infrastucture, the DOH is the main istitutional
partner for the Aconcagua Project.
Aconcagua Project
Major infrastructural project to improve irrigation
security in Region V.
The Aconcagua Project was first officially presented in 2001,
with the purpose of constructing a dam at Puntilla del
Viento, along with two other dams, and a battery of wells
that would recharge from the dam in order to improve the
irrigation security and allow for water transfers to La
Ligua. For a more detailed discussion of the project refer to
Box 10.4 in Sect. 10.2.3 .
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