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through the challenges that the strength of local autonomy generates for ross scale
integration and collaboration, effective decision making in the face of new chal-
lenges and the acceptance of innovation from higher administrative levels. Issues
also arose in interviews which suggested that a correlation between 'participation'
and 'decentralisation' and greater adaptive capacity should not be taken as a norma-
tive assumption. Chile performs less well according to the indicators, which would
suggest that governance challenges in relation to IWRM are likely to be further
exacerbated by issues relating to climate change impacts.
Bauer CJ (1997) Bringing global markets down to earth: the political economy of water rights in
Chile, 1976-95. World Dev 25(5):639-656
Bauer CJ (2004) Siren Song: Chilean water law as a model for international reform. Resources for
the future. Johns Hopkins University Press, Washington, DC
Carruthers D (2001) Environmental politics in Chile: legacies of dictatorship and democracy.
Third World Q 22(3):343-358
Dourojeanni A (2010) El Contexto de GRRH por Cuencas: Primera Parte. Fundacion Chile
Dourojeanni A, Jouravlev AS (1999) El Código de Aguas de Chile: entre la ideología y la realidad,
vol LC/R.1897. Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe, Santiago de Chile
Guardian (2011) Chile riot police clash with student protesters. The Guardian, Wednesday, 10 Aug
Lentini E (2011) Servicios de agua potable y saneamiento: lecciones de experiencias relevantes.
United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Carribean, Santiago de Chile
Nacion (2010) Suicidios, el calvario pehuenche. Nacion.cl, Sunday 21 Nov, pp [online]. http://
Patagonia (2011) Patagonia Chilena: Sin Represas: El Problema - Monopolio y Concentración. http://
www.patagoniasinrepresas.cl/ fi nal/contenido.php?seccion=problema . Accessed 15 Sept 2011
Pena H (1997) Modificaciones al Codigo de Aguas y su Aporte a la Gestion del Agua. Direccion
General de Aguas, Ministerio de Obras Publicas, Santiao de Chile
Pena H (2001) 20 Anos del Codigo de Aguas: Vision Desde la Administracion. Paper presented at
the 4th Jornados de Derecho de Aguas, Facultad de Derecho, Pontificia Universidad Catolica
de Chile. Santiago de Chile, 19-20 Nov
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