Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 8.1 Chilean water institutional framework (with reference to local situation in Aconcagua
Art 32-39). While it may not have direct implication on the short term protection of
aquatic ecosystems, the recent elevation of CONAMA (Environment Commission)
to ministry status (MMA) and the establishment of three environmental courts
( Tribunales Ambientales ) 6 are positive signs that the issue of environmental protec-
tion might begin to hold more sway.
Institutional Arrangements and Challenges Related to IWRM
Officially, the DGA is the primary administrative body with responsibility for water
resources, through its administration of water rights (Water Code, Art 130). However,
Fig. 8.1 depicts the complex institutional arrangement across which different aspects
of water are managed. Water is therefore fragmented across the different Ministries
of Mining, Energy, and Public Works. The Ministry of Public Works further sepa-
rates aspects relating to water rights to the DGA, water infrastructure to the DOH,
while any projects plans need to be passed by MIDEPLAN. Monitoring of water
6 However, these environmental courts have not yet come into effect as the implementation law is
yet to be passed (see http://www.mma.gob.cl/1257/w3-propertyvalue-16001.html ) .
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