Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
13. How was the event managed: Adequate fi nancial capacity/human resources for
managing the event?
Preparation - Relief, Quality/Quantity?
Levels of Decision Making
14. Who was involved in decision making about water supply during the event?
(a) Were you?
(b) Who else was?
15. Who/What institution/level was the primary decision maker?
16. Were there any concerns for environment/ecosystems taken into account in the
management of the event?
17. Is climate change integrated into the planning process within your sector or
within any committees you are involved in at the local/regional level?
18. What kind of technical or scientific information used to manage water supply in
your region? (Examples)
(a) Environmental Impact Studies
(b) Weather forecasts
(c) Climate Models
(d) Hydrological Models
(e) Water Quality Information
(f) Monitoring stations
(g) Traditional knowledge
(h) Local observation of change
Disaster risk maps
19. How do you access this information? (Examples)
20. Can you give examples of how these technology/information/data was used
to manage the extreme situation & how the information was integrated into
decision making?
21. Was this information shared across different groups? How?
22. Do legal provisions/guidelines exist for the management of water supply during
periods of high demand/stress for water been managed in the area? Or for
fl ooding events?
23. Was there any adjustment/change in the system following on from any of the
(a) Lessons Learnt? Incorporated into the system?
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