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The core of this extension consists of two predicates Qualied ( a ) and
Result ( a ;s ) with the following intuitive meaning. A valid instance of the
former indicates that the action sequence a is executable starting in the
initial state. A valid instance of the latter indicates that s represents the state
which would result from performing a in the initial state. As a notational
convention, if a is a (possibly empty) action sequence and a an action,
then [ a ja ] shall denote the action sequence which consists in a followed
by a . The crucial, domain-independent properties of the new predicates are
determined by the following axioms:
Qualied ([ ])
Qualied ([ a ja ]) Qualied ( a ) ^9s; s 0
Result ( a ;s ) ^
Successor ( s; a; s 0 )
Result ([ a ja ] ;s 0 ) 8s [ Result ( a ;s ) Successor ( s; a; s 0 )] (2.37)
The reading of the topmost atomic formula, (2.35), is obvious. Formula (2.36)
states, in words, that an action sequence [ a ja ] is qualied if so is a and
if there exists a successor s 0 of s and a . Finally, implication (2.37) ensures
that s 0 can only be the result of performing the sequence [ a ja ] f s 0 is
a possible successor when executing a in the state resulting from perform-
ing a . Notice, however, that the axioms (2.36) and (2.37) do not entail the
existence of a resulting state whenever the corresponding action sequence is
qualied, nor do they entail uniqueness of resulting states. We therefore need
to add the following:
9s: Result ( a ;s ) Qualied ( a )
Result ( a ;s ) ^ Result ( a ;s 0 ) s = s 0
Finally, the term intended to represent the initial state should qualify as
such, namely, both in being a proper state term and in satisfying all state
constraints, that is,
Result ([ ] ;s ) State ( s ) ^ Acceptable ( s )
In what follows, we prove that by introducing these domain-independent
axioms we achieve what we have promised. Suppose given a ramication
scenario ( O; D ) with transition model , and let FC D denote the encoding
of domain D as described in the previous section. Let be some classical
interpretation of the set of formulas FC D [f (2.35){(2.40) g , and let ( ;Res )
be an interpretation for ( O; D ). Then we say that and ( ;Res ) correspond
i for all action sequences a , states S , and collections of fluent literals s
such that EUNA j = s = S we nd that 20
Below, by \ [ P ( t 1 ;:::;t n )] is true" we mean that the n -tuple ( t 1 ;:::;t n )is
member of the relation which interpretation assigns to predicate P , where
t i (1 i n ) denotes the element of 's universe to which maps term t i .
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