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Proposition 2.9.1. Let A and B be two sets of fluent literals.
1. If A B, then EUNA j = 9z: A z = B , else EUNA j = 8z: A z 6 = B .
2. If A B, then EUNA j = 8z [ A z = B z = BnA ] .
3. If A \ B = fg, then EUNA j = 8z [ z = A B z = A[B ] .
1. Suppose A B and let Z = B n A . Then A Z and B are AC1N-
equal. Since EUNA includes AC1N, it entails A Z = B , hence also
9z: A z = B . Suppose A 6 B , then A z and B are not AC1N-
uniable. According to clause 3a in Annotation 2.1, this implies EUNA
entails 8z: A z 6 = B .
2. Let z be an arbitrary term, then A z and B are AC1N-equal i each
fluent literal occurring in A z also occurs in B and vice versa and no
fluent literal occurs twice or more in A z . This in turn is equivalent to
z and BnA being AC1N-equal (given that A B ), hence is equivalent
to z = BnA under EUNA .
3. An arbitrary term z and the term A B are AC1N-equal i each fluent
literal occurring in z also occurs in A B and vice versa and no fluent
literal occurs twice or more in z (given that A \ B = fg ). This in turn
is equivalent to z and A[B being AC1N-equal, hence is equivalent to
z = A[B under EUNA .
For illustration, consider A = f up ( s 2 ) g , B = f: up ( s 1 ) ; up ( s 2 ) ; : light g ,
and C = f up ( s 1 ) ; light g . Then A B and A \ C = fg . Accordingly,
EUNA entails each of the following.
9z: up ( s 2 ) z = : up ( s 1 ) up ( s 2 ) : light
8z [ up ( s 2 ) z = : up ( s 1 ) up ( s 2 ) : light z = : up ( s 1 ) : light ]
8z [ z =
s 2 )
s 1 )
z =
s 1 )
s 2 )
Clause 2 of the proposition will be particularly useful when axiomatizing
the application of action laws: Suppose C be the condition of some action
law, S be some state, and z be a term such that EUNA j = C z = S ,
then we know that z represents the set S n C . Precisely this is the reason
why idempotency of function is not stipulated. For if it would be, then
C z = S would not imply z = SnC . Rather for any set A we would have
A A = A . But clearly A 6 = AnA unless A = fg . In contrast, EUNA as
it stands entails A A 6 = A except for A = ; , i.e., A = fg .
With the extended unique name assumption, EUNA , and its properties
we are prepared for dening the circumstances under which a term represents
a state. In what follows, we tacitly assume a xed set of entities and fluent
names. We use a many-sorted logic language with ve sorts, namely, entities,
fluent literals, collections of fluent literals, actions, and sequences of actions.
Collections are composed of fluent literals, constant ; , and our connection
function . Below, variables of sort entity are indicated by x , variables of sort
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